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53d prepares for BIG WEEK

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Samuel King Jr.
  • 53d Wing Public Affairs
"The pieces are falling into place - it's going to be a great week," said Col. Mark Simpson, 53d Wing vice commander.

The week the colonel is speaking of begins February 5 - better known as "Big Week" around the 53d Wing headquarters building.

The week is amply named because of all the events happening the first full week in February - the wing is hosting Commanders and Spouses conference, the Senior Enlisted Leadership Conference, and finally the 53d Wing Annual Awards Banquet. The United States Air Force Warfare Center Commander Maj. Gen. Mike Worden also visits the wing the week prior, and former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Bob Gaylor will be touring Eglin before speaking at the banquet.

"We throw everything into this one week basically to save money, time and resources," said Colonel Simpson. "The annual awards banquet is the one event of the year we get a large number of people coming in from our 19 other locations en mass. So why not take advantage of so many of us being here, by adding a few more events."

Commanders & Spouses Conference

Col. Ken Wilsbach, 53d Wing commander, will host all the group and squadron commanders Feb. 6-8. The commanders' agenda includes effectiveness in conducting business in the wake of PBD 720 manpower reductions; divestiture of some lower priority missions/tasks; AEF readiness reporting and NSPS.
The tentative spouses agenda includes spouses' perspectives', healthcare issues and protocol topics. The events for both groups begin Feb. 7 at 8 a.m. in Bldg. 351, Room 601; and Feb. 8 at 8 a.m. in Room 601. For more information, call DSN 872-0053.

Senior Enlisted Leadership Conference
Chief Master Sgt. Randy Salefske, 53d Wing command chief, will gather with many of the wing's current and future senior enlisted leaders to build a strong leadership team. "This year's focus will be the continued professional development of what is already an exceptionally talented group of senior enlisted leaders," said the chief. "This group of senior NCOs will be instrumental in transforming the wing commander's intent into mission accomplishment through effective utilization of the Airmen they have been charged to lead, train, develop."
Some of this year's topics and presentations include showcasing the new ACC Work Center Activity tool, AFSO 21 lean initiatives, family readiness, PME, CCAF, first sergeant special duty, fitness, Air Force Enlisted Village and AFSA.
The conference is Feb. 6 - 8 at the Enlisted Village.
People can register for the conference by checking the box on the annual awards registration form at or by calling Staff Sgt. Tami Mistretta at DSN 872-4551.

53d Wing Annual Awards Banquet
The 53d Wing Annual Awards Banquet is Feb. 8 at the Emerald Coast Conference Center in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. The banquet starts with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. and the keynote speaker is Chief Gaylor.
Awards will be handed out to group and staff-level winners, then to the wing-level winners. Cost of the meal is $25 per person. There will be a photographer available to take single or couple photos with a minimum order of $10. There will also be a table decorating competition. For the rules of engagement, go to https://wwwmil.53wg and click on the 2006 Annual Awards Banquet button under "Hot Information."