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New CC for 28 TES

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Lt. Col. Greg Wilson took the reins of the 28th Test and Evaluation Squadron June 20 during a ceremony at the Air Armament Center, here.  Colonel Wilson moved from the 29th Training Systems Squadron to the 28th.

Name:  Lt. Col. Greg Wilson
Hometown: Appleton, Wis.
Number of years in the military: 20
Family: Wife and three daughters

How does it feel to be a new squadron CC?
Great! I'm grateful for the opportunity to apply 20 years of training and experience to improve America's warfighting capability.

What are your goals/agenda during your time as commander?
To provide the warfighter the tools necessary to prosecute the Global War on Terror. When I leave I hope to have improved an already outstanding organization.

What is one particular life lesson you've gained from your time in the military?
You need to be prepared for opportunity. People who are prepared are in a better position to recognize and take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself.

What type of hobbies/activities do you have outside of work?
Anything that flies, floats, drives or involves power tools.

If there was one thing about military life you would change what would it be?
To reward military spouses and children better. Their quiet sacrifices are seldom recognized.