From the Front Published June 30, 2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Name: Scott "Scooter" Eberle Home Unit: 86th Fighter Weapons Squadron Rank: 0-2 Location: Baghdad, Iraq What do you do? I'm the Tier 1 Tactical Operations Center Battle Captain. I work in conjunction with our Liaison officers and Army MPs over here setting up and sometimes moving with all Tier 1 Iraqi government officials. Most days I work in the TOC managing and following all movements of the Tier 1's. Occasionally on High Vis movements, I escort the convoys or air transports to ensure a smooth mission is accomplished. (At home with the 86th, Lieutenant Eberle is a weapons and tactics analyst, evaluating data gleaned from the Combat Hammer program exercises and teaching the pilots how to better execute the mission.) What's a day in the life like ... while in Iraq? I work from 1430 - 2330; then I go to the gym until approx 0150. I'm sleeping around 0330. During days, I go out, I'm up early, if not, I sleep in until lunch and start my day again. What will you remember about your deployment 20 years from now? The friends that I made, and the impact I had on the future of the Iraqi government. What's the most useful item you packed? My sense of humor, and my running shoes; working out is my stress relief. When did you realize you "weren't in Kansas anymore;" aka your "Dorothy" moment? When I was in Kuwait driving to the Udari Range for some training and I saw herds of wild camels all over the road. What has been the highlight of your tour? Working in a joint environment...I also enjoy the "outside the wire" moves because it allows me to see the end result of our work. Sometimes they also require spot on decisions that need to be made which I enjoy ...I like the leadership required. What's the best part of the deployment? The experiences The worst part? Being away from family and friends What new survival skill have you learned? The less I worry, the more focused on the mission I am What do you do during down time? Workout; read for enjoyment, and working on my masters degree. What is the first thing you will do and eat when you return? Hug my fiancé, and enjoy an adult beverage. What insight/experience will you take away from your time over there? Everyone (Iraqis) are trying to make the world better...sometimes the press does not show this.