Warrior of the Week

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Name: Staff Sgt. Michael Thorsen 
Unit: 82nd ATRS/Special Devices Flight 
Job: Special devices aircraft metals technology journeyman 
Hometown: Milton, Fla. 

Dog or cats? Why? Dogs! Because they are loyal to their owners! 

What world landmark would you go see if you could? Vietnam Memorial Wall 

What is your most valuable material possession, why is it so special? A Bear Compound Bow. Because it belonged to a good friend who passed away. 

If you weren't in the Air Force, what would you be doing? I would probably be working for the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission. 

What is your dream vacation? A 10-day cruise to the Caribbean and the Bahamas with my wife. If you could pay someone to do one thing from your daily routine, what would it be? Clean, so my wife and I can relax! 

What movie star do you have a crush on; now or when you were younger? Jenny McCarthy 

What were you listening to on your way to work this morning? John Boy & Billy 

What was the best advice your mom/dad gave you? My mom said "Always hold your head high, never look back, and be proud of who you are."