U.S. Air Force Academy, CO -- F-4 Phantoms execute a Missing Man formation over the funeral of Brig Gen Robin Olds, who passed away June 14, 2007 at the age of 84. Gen Olds was buried at the Air Force Academy, where he served as commandant of cadets from 1967 to 1971. The F-4s were flown by Lt. Col. Anthony Murphy and Maj. Chris Vance, 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron from Tyndall, and Lt. Col. JD Lee and Maj. John Markle from Detachment 1, 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron at Holloman. They're painted in the Vietnam era camouflage. (Air Force Photo/Mike Kaplan)
U.S. Air Force Academy, CO -- F-4 Phantoms execute a Missing Man formation over the funeral of Brig Gen Robin Olds, who passed away June 14, 2007 at the age of 84. Gen Olds was buried at the Air Force Academy, where he served as commandant of cadets from 1967 to 1971. The F-4s were flown by Lt. Col. Anthony Murphy and Maj. Chris Vance, 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron from Tyndall, and Lt. Col. JD Lee and Maj. John Markle from Detachment 1, 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron at Holloman. They're painted in the Vietnam era camouflage. (Air Force Photo/Dennis Rogers)