Air Force streamlines officer, enlisted evaluation forms

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Air Force officials are introducing new officer and enlisted evaluation forms as it transforms its personnel processes.

The major part of this effort has been directed at reducing the workload associated with preparing officer and enlisted performance reports while ensuring the evaluation process remains fair and provides for accurate portrayal of performance.

The change also includes the much anticipated addition of physical fitness documentation to both evaluation and feedback forms.

Although the Air Force used a competency based performance evaluation and feedback process, the changes to the evaluation forms make them a more user-friendly, value-added product that accurately reflects an Airman's performance.

"Daily support to combatant commanders worldwide and the constant requirement to provide training and support to Airmen and their families have placed a heavy workload on our entire force," said Lt. Gen Roger A. Brady, Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower and personnel. "The reality is that we cannot continue to accept cumbersome processes that impact our ability to operate at a high tempo. At the same time, we need to ensure that our evaluation processes fairly and accurately reflect performance."

Both the officer and enlisted performance reports were shortened and technologically enhanced to decrease the time required to accomplish the report. The OPR narrative lines were significantly reduced and the unit mission description and impact on mission accomplishment areas were eliminated.

While the former OPR had six performance factor blocks to rate job knowledge, leadership skills, professional qualities, organizational skills, judgment and decisions and communication skills, the new form has one block to be used to indicate that all standards are met; if an officer does not meet standards, the new OPR allows for more detailed information to be provided.

EPR narrative comments were also significantly reduced and performance assessment areas now reflect the increased responsibility Airmen are charged with as they progress in rank.

On performance feedback worksheets, performance assessment areas are now evaluated on a standardized criterion using "Does not Meet, "Meets," "Above Average" and "Clearly Exceeds" criterion. The immediate rater's comments are also aligned to the respective performance assessment areas on the front-side.

Comments by commanders and supervisors over several years indicate these changes will significantly reduce the administrative burden without negatively affecting their ability to provide an accurate assessment of an individual's performance and potential.

Implementation dates for the new evaluation forms for all ranks is as follows:

-- Officers: Aug. 15, 2007
-- Airman basic to senior airman: Aug. 15, 2007
-- Staff sergeant: Jan. 1, 2008
-- Technical sergeant: Jan. 1, 2008
-- Master sergeant: Oct. 1, 2007
-- Senior master sergeant: Aug. 1, 2007
-- Chief master sergeant: Aug. 15, 2007
-- Premier band: April 1, 2008
-- Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard (airman basic to chief master sergeant): Aug. 15, 2007

The new IMT performance report and performance feedback worksheets are available on the Air Force e-Publishing Web site at

Questions should be directed to HQ AFPC/DPPPEP, evaluations programs management branch at DSN 665-2571 or e-mail at