Anthony Ordner, 28th Test and Evaluation Squadron, releases his pumpkin Nov. 16 during the 28th TES's annual pumpkin drop. Sixteen contestants participated as a squadron representative or in the individual competition. More than $120 was raised for the 53d Wing's children's Christmas party. The Electronic Warfare Division won the squadron competition while John Terry won the individual. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel King Jr.
Lt. Col. Henri Castelain, 28th Test and Evaluation Squadron commander, releases his "Windows" powered pumpkin Nov. 16 during the 28th TES's annual pumpkin drop. Sixteen contestants participated as a squadron representative or in the individual competition. More than $120 was raised for the 53d Wing's children's Christmas party. The Electronic Warfare Division won the squadron competition while John Terry won the individual. U.S. Air Force photo.
Capt. Ryan Roach, 28th Test and Evaluation Squadron, releases his pumpkin Nov. 16 during the 28th TES's annual pumpkin drop. Sixteen contestants participated as a squadron representative or in the individual competition. More than $120 was raised for the 53d Wing's children's Christmas party. The Electronic Warfare Division won the squadron competition while John Terry won the individual. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel King Jr.