Farewell to the chief: 53d TMG chief retires after 30 years

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Chief Master Sgt. June Robbins, 53d Test Management Group, retired Aug. 15 after at 30-year career.  The chief looked back on her career and hopefully will pass on some advice in her answers to the Q and A below.

What has been your greatest moment in the AF?
Tough question....i have had too many and you didn't give me enough lines to write them.

What one particular moment do you recall most often over your career?
As an Airmen Basic.... I got the opportunity to talk to the Air Force IG who was Gen. Patton. He was visiting the troops at different bases. I had a complaint about my supervision because they had made the comment to me, "we don't care what you think" and when I told General Patton, I guess he must have chewed their butt cause from then on, they never acted like that again and from that point on, I always believed in having "faith in the system."

What has been the most rewarding thing about serving as a Chief?
Whenever I ran into troops while at the gym, dining hall, bx or post office and I would ask them, "So, how are you doing?"
Some would bring up issues or concerns and I'd tell them I would get back to them. When I did, they were amazed that I took the time to, first, listen, second, help and third, follow up....they seemed like I did something unbelievable and I'd tell them "it's my job."

What is the most important thing you've learned from your time in the service?
Do your job to the best of your ability and really give it your all when it comes to job and community service and you can make any rank you want. You take care of what you can control and the rest all falls into place.

What do you think the AF does well?
The Air Force provides a great system with job opportunities, rewards, promotions, security, and a great family way of life. It's the people (supervisors) who sometimes screw up by not giving rewards to the ones who truly deserve them.

When did you realize you were going to be a chief?
When I was pulling dorm guard at basic training and reading my "trainee book" trying to learn the different rank insignia and I wrote my last name to every one of the ranks. I thought "CMSgt Robbins" looked the best and said to myself right then "I want it, now how do I get it."

What will you miss most?
The people, the uniform, the traditions.

What is your favorite AF weapon/piece of equipment?
I have no favorite, I am amazed at all the planes and equipment I have seen throughout my career and am amazed everyday of how young the people are who maintain or fly them.

What is your next step?
Good question, I hope to teach school but I am still undecided. 

Advice for people following in your footsteps?
Always, always listen to what the people are not always saying verbally.
At the Chief rank you have nothing to lose but respect, so, when you speak, mean what you say!