Officials release new selective reenlistment bonus list

  • Published
  • By Air Force Personnel Center
Pentagon officials recently released the latest selective reenlistment bonus list, effective Sep. 15, containing 88 Air Force specialties.

The new program includes a $93 million budget increase - almost triple the current program. This will allow for greater distribution of bonuses across Air Force career fields than in recent years. It includes all specialties that received bonuses under the current bonus list, and an additional 51 specialties.

The Military Personnel Flight will conduct mass briefings at the base theater on the following dates:

Friday, Sept. 19, at 8 a.m. for career Airmen and again at 1 p.m. for first-term Airmen, and

Monday, Sept. 22 at 8 a.m. for career Airmen and at 1 p.m. for first-term Airmen.

Another change to the program is an increase in the maximum amount Airmen may receive per zone. The cap was raised from $60,000 per zone to $90,000, enabling the Air Force to impact critical skills already receiving high multipliers in the SRB calculation.

"Our SRB analysis process is invaluable, and provides the opportunity to modify the list and apply bonuses to our most critical needs," said Senior Master Sgt. Sandy LePine, manager of enlisted force management at the Pentagon. "Balancing the enlisted force is a constant challenge, and the SRB is one of the most effective programs we employ to retain our number one priority - our Airmen."

The SRB analysis process, which uses an optimization model and a "human-in-the-loop" review, ensures the right skills are targeted with the most cost-effective multiples, Sergeant LePine said.

Compared to those who re-enlisted under the current program, most Airmen will receive higher bonuses under the new program while a few may receive the same amount. No AFSC will have a multiplier in any zone less than the current program. The criteria used for determining which enlisted skills were added or which bonuses increased on the SRB list include current and projected manning levels, retention trends, career field force structure changes and career field stress level.

To view the SRB list, visit . For more information, contact the local military personnel function reenlistment office.