53d has 25 selected for master sergeant

  • Published
  • By Samuel King Jr.
  • Team Eglin Public Affairs
Air Force officials recently selected 5,604 of 22,748 eligible technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant for a selection rate of 24.64 percent.

The average score for those selected was 340.41, with an average time in grade and time in service of 4.45 and 16.40 years respectively. The average score was based on the following point averages: 134.30 for enlisted performance reports, 70.20 for the promotion fitness exam, 63.60 for the specialty knowledge test, 33.69 for time in grade, 34.55 for time in service and 11.59 for decorations.

The master sergeant promotion list was released publicly May 14 at 8 a.m. Central Time on the Air Force Personnel Center's public Web site and on AFPC's "Ask" site at Spotlight and Enlisted Promotions.

"This release has special significance because it's the first time in 12 years that we haven't released the master sergeant and technical sergeant selection lists at the same time," said Chief Master Sgt. Michael Hall, the enlisted promotions and military testing branch chief.

Congratulations to the following 53d Wing technical sergeants promoted to master sergeants: 

31st Test and Evaluation Squadron
Travis Buckley
Alton Chang
Charles Clemandot
Christopher Dawiczyk
Jon Griffin
Johnna Herman
Carlos Delvalle
Peter Desjardins
Gary Palazotto
Thomas Turner

53rd Computer Systems Squadron
Kenneth Creamer

53rd CSS, Det 1
Kevin Jacobs

85th Test and Evaluation Squadron
Leslie Desnoyer

16th  Electronic Warfare Squadron
Brian Francis
Brian Hill
Raymond Steffens
Calvin Wiseman

83rd Fighter Weapons Squadron
Ricky Hicks
Jason Wilkerson

53rd Test Support Squadron
Harold Kunkel

82nd Aerial Targets Squadron
Paul Noblit

53rd Test and Evaluation Group, Det 2
Calvin Rasor

556th Test and Evaluation Squadron
Pedro Rodriguezriopedre

28th Test and Evaluation Squadron
Michael Rowe

49 Test and Evaluation Squadron
Alan Weigold